
The sections below detail how to fully use this module, along with context for design decisions made during development of the plugin.

Why is this Necessary?

If you’ve configured Flask to use Celery before, you may have run into the motivating factor behind the creation of this package - it’s not particularly straightforward to either 1) connect celery workers to a flask instance, 2) wrap celery workers in a flask application context, 3) use the application factory pattern alongside a celery configuration, or 4) manage starting workers in development mode. Like other Flask extensions, configuration for an external tool should be as simple as instantiating the extension and registering the Flask application:

app = Flask()
celery = Celery(app)

This package is functionally a wrapper around the process of configuring celery that resolves the annoyances listed above and adds the following additional functionality:

  1. Removes the need to manually start local celery workers and configure celery Tasks with separate application contexts.
  2. Provides simpler worker and queue configuration (related to 1).
  3. Provides flask command-line extensions for configuring celery with the application context.
  4. Homogenizes the API for interacting with tasks with other execution tools like concurrent.futures and Dask.
  5. Allows developers to dynamically submit tasks to Celery, instead of developers needing to pre-register tasks to run on workers.

The features listed above simplify the process of configuring Celery to work with Flask and make working with Celery a more enjoyable experience. If you don’t agree with those sentiments or like the way Celery historically has been configured with Flask applications, feel free to ignore the rest of this documentation. This extension isn’t necessary for configuring your application to use celery, just like Flask-SQLAlchemy isn’t necessary for configuring your application to use SQLAlchemy.


Just like celery, this package requires a message broker as a prerequisite. For information on how to install and set up the various celery message brokers, see the Celery Setup documentation.

For those who just want to get moving quickly, here’s how to install Redis on OSX:

~$ brew install redis

And on *nix systems:

~$ wget
~$ tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
~$ cd redis-stable
~$ make

To start redis manually (most installers will configure it to start on boot), run:

~$ redis-server


As mentioned in the overview section of the documentation, to configure your application to use Celery via this extension you can register it directly:

from flask import Flask
from flask_execute import Celery

app = Flask(__name__)
plugin = Celery(app)

Or, via the application factory pattern:

celery = Celery()
app = Flask(__name__)

That’s it! all of the other tedium around wrapping tasks in an application context, creating a make_celery function, or pre-registering tasks is no longer necessary. Additionally, you don’t need to manually use the celery CLI tool to start workers if your workers are meant to run on the server the application is running. This package will automatically spin them up the first time an executable is sent to the workers. More fine-grained control over worker configuration and command-line extensions this tool provides is detailed later in the documentation.

Once this extension has been registered with the application, you can submit tasks to workers via celery.submit():

def add(x, y):
  return x + y

celery.submit(add, 1, 2)

More information on task execution and other tools the Celery object provides is detailed below.


Submitting Task to Workers

There are a couple of divergences this extension introduces against the historical Flask/Celery setup. First, developers aren’t required to pre-register tasks to submit them to celery workers. With this extension, you just need to call celery.submit to send an arbitrary function (with arguments) to a worker for external execution:

def add(x, y):
  return x + y

celery.submit(add, 1, 2)
celery.submit(add, 1, y=2)
celery.submit(add, x=1, y=2)

The result of celery.submit will return a Future object that can be used to query the status of the task:

>>> future = celery.submit(add, 1, 2)
>>> future.running()
>>> future.done()
>>> future.result(timeout=1) # wait for result

Just like with other executor tools, this extension also provides a built-in map operator for submitting an iterable object to remote workers:

# arguments
>>> future_pool =, [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])
>>> for future in future_pool:
>>>     print(future.result(timeout=1))

# with constant keyword arguments
>>> future_pool =, [1], [3], [5], y=2)
>>> for future in future_pool:
>>>     print(future.result(timeout=1))

The return value for the function is a FuturePool object that can serve as a proxy for querying the overall status of the submitted tasks. All API methods on the Future object are also available on the FuturePool object:

>>> pool =, [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])

# check if any tasks in the pool are still running
>>> pool.running()

# check if all tasks in the pool are done
>>> future.done()

# return a list with the map results
>>> future.result(timeout=1)
[3, 7 , 11]

For more information about the methods available on Future and FuturePool objects, see the Working with Futures section of the documentation.

Working with Futures

As alluded to previously in the documentation, the return value for submitting a task is a Future object, which wraps the celery.AsyncResult object with an API similar to the concurrent.futures Future API. With this object you can do the following:

# submitting future
future = celery.submit(add, 1, 2)

# cancel task

# check if task has been cancelled
future.cancelled() # True

# check if task is currently running
future.running() # True

# check if task is finished running

# wait for result (with optional timeout)

# raise exception returned by future

You can also query properties of the celery.AsyncResult object from Future objects:

# query status/state

# query task id

# query task name

For more information on available properties, see the Celery Result documentation.

Finally, you can also add a callback to be executed when the task finishes running.

def callback():
  # callback function

# submitting future
future = celery.submit(add, 1, 2)

# adding callback

This will ensure that the specified callback function is automatically executed when the task returns a done status.

If you have the task ID (obtained via, you can query a task Future via:

>>> future = celery.submit(add, 1, 2)
>>> task_id =

# later in code ...

>>> future = celery.get(task_id)
>>> future.done()

Similarly to Future objects, FuturePool objects are a wrapper around the GroupResult object available from celery. Accordingly, the FuturePool object has a very similar API:

# submitting future
pool =, [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])

# cancel *all* tasks in the pool

# check if *any* task in the pool has been cancelled
pool.cancelled() # True

# check if *any task in the pool is currently running
pool.running() # True

# check if *all* tasks in the pool are finished running

# wait for *all* task results (with optional timeout)

# raise *any* exception returned by the pool

Task Registration

If you like the declarative syntax celery uses to register tasks, you can still do so via:

app = Flask(__name__)
celery = Celery(app)

def add(x, y):
  return x + y

add.delay(1, 2)

However, using the delay method on the registered task will only work if the application was not configured using the Factory pattern with a create_app function. If you want to use the celery task API within an app configured using the factory pattern, call the task from the celery plugin object:

celery = Celery()

def add(x, y):
  return x + y

app = Flask(__name__)

celery.task.add.delay(1, 2)

Alternatively, if you don’t need the celery workers to have tasks registered and are happy with just submitting them dynamically, use the celery.submit() method detailed above.

For more information on registering tasks and configuration options available, see the Celery Task documentation.

Task Scheduling

Another useful feature provided by this function is declarative mechanism for scheduling tasks. With this extension, developers no longer need to manually add entries to the celery beat configuration (or even worry about starting a celery beat service).

To schedule a periodic task to run alongside the application, use the celery.schedule() decorator. For instance, to schedule a task to run every night at midnight:

@celery.schedule(hour=0, minute=0, name='scheduled-task-to-run-at-midnight')
def scheduled_task():
  # do something ...

The arguments to the schedule decorator can either be numeric:

@celery.schedule(30, args=(1, 2), kwargs=dict(arg3='foo'))
def task_to_run_every_30_seconds(arg1, arg2, arg3='test'):
  # do something ...

Keyword arguments to the celery.crontab function:

@celery.schedule(hour=7, minute=30, day_of_week=1)
def task_to_run_every_monday_morning():
  # do something ...

Or, a solar schedule:

from celery.schedules import solar

@celery.schedule(solar('sunset', -37.81753, 144.96715), name='solar-task')
def task_to_run_every_sunset():
  # do something ...

In addition, if you don’t want to use this decorator, you can still schedule tasks via the CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE configuration option. For more information on task scheduling, including crontab and solar schedule configuration, see the Celery Periodic Tasks documentation.

Status Updates

Another divergence from the original Celery API is how Task objects are referenced in code. This extension takes a more Flask-y approach to accessing said information, where a proxied object called current_task is available for developers to reference throughout their application. This paradigm is similar to the current_app or current_user object commonly referenced in flask applications. For example, to reference the current task and update the state metadata:

from flask_execute import current_task

def add(a, b):
  return a + b

More information about the update_state method or Task objects can be found in the Celery Task documentation.

If the function is not currently running in a task, this will return an error because the proxy object will be None. If the method you’re using will run both within and outside celery tasks, you’ll want to check if the current_task proxy is available:

def add(x, y):
  if current_task:
  return x + y

Writing Safe Code

As with any program that executes code across multiple threads or processes, developers must be cognizant of how IO is managed at the boundaries across separate application contexts (i.e. how data are passed to and returned from functions). In general, try to write thread-safe code when working on functions that might be sent to celery workers. Some recommendations are as follows:

  • Don’t pass instantiated SQLAlchemy objects or file streams as arguments to functions. Instead, pass in references (primary keys or other identifiers) to the objects you want to use and query them from within the function before executing other logic.
  • Don’t pass lambda functions or other non-pickle-able objects as arguments to functions. For information on which objects can and cannot pickle, see the pickle documentation.
  • Don’t reference global variables that might change values when the application is created on an external executor. LocalProxy objects in Flask are safe to reference.
  • Ensure that functions either return or fail with appropriate and manageable exceptions. This allows developers to more easily diagnose failures that occur on external executors.
  • If external libraries are used, import the external libraries within functions using them.

If you run into an issue sending data back and forth to executors, feel free to file a question in the GitHub Issue Tracker for this project.


Starting Celery

As mentioned in the overview of the documentation, this extension can manage the process of starting celery workers the first time a celery.submit() call is made. It will also pass all celery configuration (i.e. any option starting with CELERY) specified in your application config to Celery. Accordingly, this means you do not have to manually start workers, beat schedulers, or flower if all of your workers are to run locally. With this extension, the first time you run a celery.submit() call:

def add(x, y):
  return x + y

celery.submit(add, 1, 2)

The following services will be started in the backround:

  1. All workers referenced by the CELERY_WORKERS config variable. This configuration value can take a numeric number of workers or explicit worker names. This can be disabled using CELERY_START_LOCAL_WORKERS=False in your application config (recommended for production).
  2. The Celery Flower monitoring tool for monitoring celery workers and statuses. This can be disabled using CELERY_FLOWER=False in your application config (recommended for production).
  3. If any tasks are registered via celery.schedule, the Celery Beat scheduler tool for managing scheduled tasks. This can be disabled using CELERY_SCHEDULER=False in your application config (recommended for production).

An example production, development, and testing config are shown here:

# set worker names, don't start services (started externally)
class ProdConfig:
    ENV = 'development'
    CELERY_WORKERS = ['foo', 'bar']

# start workers, flower, and scheduler on first submit call
class DevConfig:
    ENV = 'development'

# don't start local workers - run in eager mode
class TestConfig:
    ENV = 'testing'

Above, the ProdConfig will tell the plugin to not start local workers, because they should be configured externally via the flask celery cluster or flask celery worker command-line tools (more info below).

The DevConfig will start local workers, flower, and the scheduler lazily (i.e. whenever the first celery.submit() call is made). Whenever the application is torn down, all forked services will be terminated.

The TestConfig will use the same dispatch tools, but will execute the functions in the main application thread instead of on remote workers (accordingly, workers will not be started on celery.submit()). This is particularly useful during unit testing when running separate workers requires unnecessary overhead.

Command-Line Extensions

Alternatively, you can still start celery workers manually for your application and reference them via config (recommended for production). Instead of invoking celery directly and specifying the path to the application, you should either use the built-in CLI flask celery cluster or flask celery worker methods:

# start all specified workers, flower, and scheduler
~$ flask celery cluster

# start single worker
~$ flask celery worker

# start single named worker
~$ flask celery worker -n foo@%h

# start flower
~$ flask celery worker

# start beat scheduler
~$ flask celery worker

Each of these cli extensions wrap celery calls with the application context (even an application factory function). Other cli extensions provided by celery are also available:

# ping workers
~$ flask celery inspect ping

# inspect worker stats
~$ flask celery inspect stats

# shut down all workers
~$ flask celery control shutdown

# get status of all workers
~$ flask celery status

Accordingly, when using the flask cli entypoint, you’ll need to make sure the application is available as an file in your local directory, or referenced via the FLASK_APP environment variable:

# without create app function
~$ FLASK_APP=my_app flask celery cluster

# using factory method
~$ FLASK_APP=my_app:create_app flask celery cluster

If you really want to invoke celery directly, you must reference flask_execute.celery as the celery application. This will automatically detect the flask application celery needs to work with using the auto-detection functionality provided by Flask:

# start worker with celery
~$ celery -A flask_execute.celery worker --loglevel=info

As alluded to above, if you’re using a factory pattern (i.e. with a create_app function) to create the app, you can reference the application factory at the command-line via environment variable (similar to Flask CLI methods):

# recommended
~$ FLASK_APP="app:create_app" flask celery worker

# using celery directly
~$  FLASK_APP="app:create_app" celery -A flask_execute.celery worker --loglevel=info

Configuring Workers

As alluded to above, with this extension, you have control (via configuration) over how workers are initialized. For example, to configure your application to use a specific number of workers or specific worker names, use:

>>> # number of workers, no name preference
>>> class Config:
>>>     CELERY_WORKERS = 2

>>> # named workers
>>> class Config:
>>>     CELERY_WORKERS = ['foo', 'bar']

>>> app.config.from_object(Config)
>>> celery.init_app(app)
>>> celery.start()
>>> celery.status()
  "foo@localhost": "OK",
  "bar@localhost": "OK"

For more advanced worker configuration, you can make the config option a dictionary with worker names and nested specific configuration options to be passed into celery when creating workers:

class Config:
      'foo': {
        'concurrency': 10,
        'loglevel': 'error',
        'pidfile': '/var/run/celery/',
        'queues': ['low-priority', 'high-priority']
      'bar': {
        'concurrency': 5,
        'loglevel': 'info',
        'queues': ['high-priority']

This is equivalent to the following command-line specification:

# foo worker
~$ flask celery worker -n foo@%h --concurrency=10 --loglevel=error --pidfile=/var/run/celery/ --queues=low-priority,high-priority

# bar worker
~$ flask celery worker -n bar@%h --concurrency=5 --loglevel=info --queues=high-priority

For more information on the parameters available for configuring celery workers, see the Celery Worker documentation.


As alluded to above, you can configure workers to subscribe to specific queues. This extension will automatically detect queues references in worker configuration, and will set them up for you. With this, there’s no need to manually specify task_routes, because tasks within this module can be dynamically sent to specific queues, instead of pre-registered as always needing to execute on a specific queue.

For example, to configure your application with two workers that execute from two different queues, use the following configuration:

class Config:
    # worker for priority items
    'foo': {
      'queues': ['low-priority', 'high-priority']

    # worker for high-priority tasks only
    'bar': {
      'queues': ['high-priority']

    # worker for any task
    'baz': {}

Once the queues have been defined for workers, you can submit a task to a specific queue use the following syntax with submit():

# submit to default queue
>>> celery.submit(add, 1, 2)

# submit to high priority queue
>>> celery.submit(add, 1, 2, queue='high-priority')

With this syntax, the queue keyword will be reserved on function calls. Accordingly, developers should be careful not to use that argument for functions that can be submitted to an executor.


This extension also provides various utilities for inspecting the state of submitted tasks and general stats about workers. These utilities are all available on the extension object once the application has been registered and workers started.

# ping workers

# inspect active tasks

# inspect scheduled tasks
>>> celery.inspect.scheduled()

# inspect reserved tasks
>>> celery.inspect.reserved()

# inspect revoked tasks
>>> celery.inspect.revoked()

# inspect registered tasks
>>> celery.inspect.registered()

# inspect worker stats
>>> celery.inspect.stats()

Note that all of this inspection information is also available via the Flower monitoring tool.


Similarly to the Inspection tool, the extension provides a proxy for controlling celery directly.

# shutdown all workers
>>> celery.control.shutdown()

# restart worker pool
>>> celery.control.pool_restart()

# shrink worker pool by 1
>>> celery.control.pool_shrink(1)

# expand worker pool by 1
>>> celery.control.pool_grow(1)

# manage autoscale settings
>>> celery.control.autoscale(1, 5)


The majority of customizations for this plugin happen via configuration, and this section covers the various types of customizations available. Alongside new configuration options for this plugin, any celery configuration options (prefixed with CELERY*) specified in your application config to the celery application. For a list of available configuration options, see the Celery Config documentation.

Plugin Configuration

New celery configuration keys that specifically change the features of this plugin (not celery) include:

PLUGIN_DEFAULT_VARIABLE A variable used in the plugin for something important.
CELERY_BROKER_URL The URL to use for the celery broker backend. Defaults to redis://localhost:6379.
CELERY_WORKERS A number of workers, list of worker names, or dicationary options with worker names and configuration options. Defaults to 1
CELERY_SANITIZE_ARGUMENTS Whether or not to automatically attempt to evaluate proxied inputs and re-query database models by id property. This is useful if you wish to pass database Models or proxy objects to functions running on remote executors. This can be turned off if you’re not passing complex objects via task functions.
CELERY_START_LOCAL_WORKERS Whether or not to automatically start workers locally whenever a celery.submit() call is made. Defaults to True, and should be set to False in production.
CELERY_START_TIMEOUT How long to wait for starting local workers before timing out and throwing an error. Defaults to 10 seconds and can be increased if many local workers will be started by this plugin.
CELERY_LOG_LEVEL The default log level to use across celery services started by this application.
CELERY_LOG_DIR A directory where all celery logs will be stored. The default for this option is the current directory where the application is run.
CELERY_FLOWER Whether or not to start the flower monitoring tool alongside local workers. Default is True, and the plugin assumes flower has been installed. Should be set to False in production.
CELERY_FLOWER_PORT If flower is configured to run locally, the port it will run on. Default is 5555
CELERY_FLOWER_ADDRESS If flower is configured to run locally the address flower will run on. Default is ''.
CELERY_SCHEDULER Whether or not to start the celerybeat scheduler tool alongside local workers. Default is True, and should be set to False in production.

Default Overrides

Existing celery configuration options that have been overridden by this plugin to accommodate various plugin features include:

CELERY_RESULT_SERIALIZER The celery result serialization format. To enable dynamic submission of celery tasks, this plugin has set the option to 'pickle'.
CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT A white-list of content-types/serializers to allow. To enable dynamic submission of celery tasks, this plugin has set the option to ['json', 'pickle'].
CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER A string identifying the default serialization method to use. To enable dynamic submission of celery tasks, this plugin has set the option to 'pickle'.

Other Customizations

In addition to configuration options, this plugin can be customized with specific triggers. The following detail what can be customized:

  • base_task - Base task object to use when creating celery tasks.

The code below details how you can override all of these configuration options:

from flask import Flask
from flask_execute import Celery
from celery import Task

class MyBaseTask(Task):
    queue = 'hipri'

app = Flask(__name__)
celery = Celery(base_task=MyBaseTask)

For even more in-depth information on the module and the tools it provides, see the API section of the documentation.


Below is an evolving list of issues that developers may encounter when trying to set up the plugin. This list will grow and shrink throughout the lifecycle of this plugin. If you run into a new issue that you think should be added to this list, please file a ticket on the GitHub page for the project.

  1. future.result() with timeout never returns and worker logs aren’t available or showing changes:

    Celery workers likely can’t connect to redis. Run `flask celery worker` to debug the connection. See the Prerequisites section for information on installing and running redis locally.